Best PMP Practice Exams

Best PMP Practice Exams

PMP practice exams are one of the best study tools to increase your test scores significantly. By attempting one or more practice tests under conditions that simulate the PMP exam, you will find out how much time it takes you to finish the exam and whether you have any weak areas that require additional study while you still have time to do something about it.

As a rule, the more PMP mock exams you take, the more familiar you will be with the format and content of the test, which will help you complete the exam more quickly and under less stressful conditions.

Top 4 Best PMP Practice Exams & Mock Exams For 2025

  1. Brain Sensei PMP Exam Simulator
  2. PM Exam Simulator
  3. PM Master Prep 
  4. Sybex PMP Practice Exams

1. Brain Sensei PMP Exam Simulator

PMP and CAPM Exams Offered? PMP Only

Free Trial? No

Number of Practice Exams: 3 full-length PMP Practice Exams, 1 180-question randomized practice exam, 2 exams for Glossary/Acronyms

Number of Practice Questions: 1,500+ realistic PMP exam questions

Format: Access the simulator from any web browser, there are no downloads. Also includes access to an exclusive Facebook group for collaboration with other students

Can you create custom practice exams? Yes

Design & Content of Online Test Bank: Updated to reflect changes in the 7th edition of the PMBOK, this simulator aims to provide a realistic experience akin to actually taking the PMP exam. They also offer extra exams to diversify your learning, including one with randomized questions and others based on specific project management terms.


PM Exam Simulator: $119.99 for six months of access

Bottom Line: Brain Sensei made a fantastic and highly affordable study resource for aspiring project managers who want to drill the exam in realistic conditions. Whether you want to test your abilities in a simulated test environment or challenge your knowledge of specific terms, this is the best way to prepare for your future career!


PM Exam Simulator Online Training Discounts & Promo Codes


Take $150 Off Brain Sensei PMP Exam Prep Course

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Take 10% Off Brain Sensei PMP Exam Prep Course

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2. PM Exam Simulator


PMP and CAPM Exams Offered? Yes

Free Trial? Yes, sign up for 3 day free trial here.

Number of Practice Exams: 5 complete exams for PMP / 5 exams for CAPM

Number of Practice Questions: 2,100 sample questions very similar to those on the exam for PMP exam, 650 questions for CAPM exam.

Format: Access the simulator from any web browser, there are no downloads. Take any of the 5 complete PMP  practice exams or 5 CAPM exams in a simulated environment. (A new version, the PM Exam Simulator 2.0 is scheduled to be released on May 2nd, 2016.)

Can you create custom practice exams? No

Design & Content of Online Test Bank: Updated to reflect changes to January 2016 exam, the PM Exam Simulator is a web-based PMP Exam preparation environment. Choose from three different exam modes in the PM Exam Simulator: the “Learning Mode” provides hints and answers and no time limitations, the “Timed Mode” offers hints and answers but limits your time, and the “Real Exam Mode” simulates the actual PMP exam experience. Just as on the actual PMP exam, you can mark questions for review and come back to them. You can repeat the exams as many times as you like.


PM Exam Simulator: $149 for 90-day access.

CAPM Exam Simulator (650 questions + 5 Practice Exams): $69

Bottom Line: The online PMP exam practice environment made by Exam Simulator is fantastic; it offers three different styles of study. At such a low asking price, this is an excellent deal for the versatility it provides. You can now get an exclusive discount of 10% off through us!


PM Exam Simulator Online Training Discounts & Promo Codes


Save Up to 60% PM PrepCast PMI-ACP Courses

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PMP Mock Exam Providers

Several companies offer PMP and CAPM practice tests. Many simulate the actual exam’s computer screen and timing for each question. Companies that offer practice exams for purchase include:

3. PM Master Prep

Out of all the PMI study resources available for students today, PM Master Prep has some of the most impressive features at one of the most affordable price points! Here are just a few reasons why this course is so great for aspiring project managers:

  • 1,400 practice questions
  • 7 practice tests
  • Unlimited access and test retakes
  • Supplementary textbooks and eBooks
  • 100% no-question asked money back guarantee

PMP and CAPM Practice Exams offered? PMP & CAPM

Details: This course combines practice questions and supplementary study materials to prepare students for the PMP exam.

PMP: 1,400 practice questions randomly picked in 200 question blocks gives you many practice exam combinations. However, only 7 full-length practice exams (if all the questions were different each time). Additional study materials include textbooks, eBooks, an EVM calculator, formula and calculation cheat sheets, case study videos, and more!

CAPM: 1,200 practice questions allows you to take the 150 question practice test multiple times with numerous combinations. The practice tests are 3 hour assessments covering all 10 knowledge areas.

Number of Practice Questions: 1,400 (PMP) / 1,200 (CAPM)

Format: Full-length practice exams in a simulated test environment

Can you create custom practice exams? No, but unlimited generated tests are available through the Super Simulator

Design & Content of Online Test Bank: Students who enroll in PM Master Prep have the option to pick either the Exam Simulator or Super Simulator package. The PMP Exam Simulator is their most basic and affordable package, containing all 1,400 practice questions in a simulated exam environment. This package also includes practice tests (that go over specific areas of the PMP exam in greater detail).

The PMP Super Simulator is similar to the first package in the sense that it contains all of the same material with a few extras. The same practice questions and tests are provided in the same format; all of the new additions are supplementary study tools. These include detailed sheets outlining specific formulas and calculations encountered on the PMP exam as well as 25 case study videos.


PMP/CAPM Exam Simulator: $59/$49

PMP/CAPM Super Simulator: $149/$139 ($134/$125 with code: CRUSH)

Bottom Line: PM Master Prep is a great study package for students looking to prepare for the PMP or CAPM exam at a price point that doesn’t break the bank. For both exams, Exam Simulator and Super Simulator have tremendous benefits that will greatly improve their chances of a passing grade. 10% off the Super Simulator is only for a limited time. Act now before it’s too late!

4. Sybex PMP Test Bank

Sybex PMP Reivew

PMP and CAPM Exams Offered? PMP only

Free Trial? Yes

Number of Practice Exams: 2 PMP practice exams with 200 questions each.

Number of Practice Questions: 400+

Format: Web-based access to test question bank that allows you to create customizable practice sessions, quizzes and practice exams and includes answer explanations. Progress Report feature provides metrics and shows areas that need improvement. Compatible with Mac and PC.

Can you create custom practice exams? Yes. You can create unlimited custom practice sessions and tests.

Design & Content of Online Test Bank: Sybex’s cloud-based PMP Test Bank allows you to study with three different modes: practice session (study mode), pop quiz and practice test. Question Sets, Bookmarks and Notes are stored online, so you can start a customized practice session on one device and resume on another, if necessary. You can bookmark questions, take notes, and turn the answer explanations on or off.

Customize your practice tests by choosing how many questions you want from each domain, and filter question types by choosing questions you’ve never seen, those you’ve gotten wrong, or bookmarked. Check out your progress in the Progress Report section, which lists the questions you answered incorrectly alongside the answers. The Progress Report  can also be customized to show your percentage scores by sub-domain and gives you the option to include or exclude past saved sessions.


Sybex PMP Test Bank: $75

Discounts: Get the 20% OFF student discount if you are a faculty member, full-time or part-time college or university student.

Bottom Line: Sybex is a reputable brand that offers a well-made PMP test prep study plan. While their lack of additional material for CAPM and PMI-ACP is disappointing, Sybex’s affordable price is hard to beat.

Top 6 Reasons To Take A PMP Practice Exam

1. Familiarize Yourself with the Test

Mock exams are often based on actual exams from previous years, so you will get a feel for the structure and types of questions that typically appear on the PMP exam. Being familiar with the content and structure of the exam will help you answer questions more quickly and accurately. You will need to answer 200 questions in 4 hours and will probably want to build in time to review and come back to those questions you aren’t sure about. Practice will help you create additional time for reviewing your answers when you take the exam.

2. Learn Which Topics to Study

Certain topics are emphasized more than others and tend to appear more often on the exam. By taking mock exams, you will get a feel for which topics are tested more frequently and be able to concentrate your studies more on those areas.

3. Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Practice exams will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses. If you frequently tend to get a certain type of question wrong on your practice exam, you will know what to go back and study. You’ll also know which areas you’ve mastered, so you can save time by not spending any more time on those topics.

4. Retain and Apply Knowledge

Practice exams give you a chance to apply what you’ve studied. Many of us learn by repetition and use. You are more likely to remember what you’ve studied and be able to answer questions correctly if you practice them repeatedly.

5. Spread out Your Study Sessions

Research shows that “chunking” information while you study makes it easier to retain. By spacing out your studies and taking practice exams at regular intervals, you can study, take a practice test, see your progress, and go back to studying some more. This will help you avoid cramming at the last minute, which is much less effective.

6. Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Practice exams will make you feel more prepared on the day of the exam and reduce test-related anxiety. You won’t waste time reading instructions you already know or trying to figure out the structure and content of the test if you are already familiar with it from taking practice exams. Studying with many practice tests will also give you the experience to know if you need to move more quickly through questions, or if you are on track with your current pace.

How Many Mock Exams Should I Take?

Well, the answer is as many as possible, but it will depend on your schedule and time constraints. Taking one or two mock exams is obviously better than none, but in general, the more practice tests you take, the better prepared you will be when you take the actual PMP exam. If possible, take several mock tests early on in your studies so that you can identify knowledge gaps and address them in your overall study plan.

If you have time, try to take at least 6-10 exams. That may seem like a lot, but research shows that the more practice you get, the faster and better you will become at answering questions correctly, which is the key to passing the exam.

Most commercial review courses offer at least a few practice exams in their bundled course (some offer 9 or more!) and you can find additional free mock exams or purchase them individually online. For your convenience, we’ve compiled a list of companies that will let you purchase mock exams below.
75% of PMP candidates use mock exams as their primary way to prepare for the PMP exam, and for good reason.

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